วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

[news] Rookie group Secret follows Rain ranked no.2 in monthly chart!

Rookie group Secret had a successful comeback just following behind the world star Rain who was ranked no. 1 in the Monthly chart and Secret was ranked 2nd.

According to music site Lunch, Secret's "Magic" was ranked 2nd on the Monthly chart just following closely behind Rain's "Love Song" which was ranked 1st.

Secret has overtaken tough competitions such as After Schools "bang", Yesung's "If you do not", SNSD's "Run Devil Run" and Lee Hyori's "Swing", climbing past its senior artist's and takes the spot just next to the world star Rain.

TS Entertainment their agency said that, "THe results and response was much better than we expected", "Secret worked really hard through tough training and recording and we are happy with the good results".

Source: SPN + Nate
Credits: Blueprincess824 @ dailykpopnews

